Room temperature

KOMEKO Organic Rice Flour - Pancake Mix (mixed powder)

Best-before date 365 days

Product Description

The rice used in the "Pancake Mix with Gentleness and Deliciousness" is organic rice, carefully grown in Ishikawa Prefecture without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilisers.
It is not only delicious, but also safe and secure. The rice variety has been selected and developed to suit confectionery applications and to live up to the fluffy and chewy texture of pancakes and other products. Aluminium-free baking powder. Organic & gluten-free.

The baking powder and vanilla sugar make it easy to make pancakes, as well as doughnuts, steamed bread and other treats, gluten-free. You can also add your favourite nuts and flavours to create your own unique treats.

Main ingredients (place of origin)


Kanazawa Daichi Inc.

9, Hattamachi-higasi, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa pref.
Tel/Fax: +81-76-257-8818 / +81-76-257-8817