Room temperature

Microwavable Plant-based Konjac Ramen(Miso)

Best-before date 270 days

Product Description

The noodles are made from konjac noodles and the product is low in sugar and calories. The soup is also all plant-based, making it a very healthy product. The calorie content of the miso-flavoured product is only 58 Kcal, including the soup, which is only about 13% of the 450 Kcal of a typical ramen.

In addition to the miso-flavoured ramen, there is also a shiratsu-flavoured ramen. It is a recent popular product.

The microwave-safe bag allows you to simply microwave the food. It has a long shelf life of one year at room temperature and can be stored conveniently. (about 2 minutes at 500 W)

Main ingredients (place of origin)


KKI Inc.

Ko 14-1, Yanagibashi-machi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa
Tel/Fax: +81-76-254-5468 / +81-76-254-5469